My Chosen Sis is NOT Her Name“Naomi”,Hair, Skin, Eye Color, Body…
❤️As We Continue Our Roadtrip of Life… May We Pack Within Our Inner Selves the Many Blessings of Now 💝Re:membering to Travel “Light” and Full of Excitement For Life in Each Moment 🏖️
#author # inspirational #Kindness
Please enjoy the blog below.🦋
My Chosen Sis is NOT Her Name“Naomi”,Hair, Skin, Eye Color, Body…
May 29, 2023
… nor age in “time”, or how beautiful on the outside she is. She is a beautiful light, connecting heart to heart ❤️through the energy of who we really are.🦋
When we spend time🌟 together, there’s really no place to go, nowhere to be except presently “Present” in the moment. Sharing one another’s energy through love💕, kindness, aboard our friend ship⛵️
We enjoy experiencing new moments whether it’s going to target, taking a walk or just sitting, sharing and laughing… not to mention karaoke 🎤and just plain having fun.💃🏼
🦋It is so beautiful, living the Now, joyfully🙏. We carry our energy with us no matter the experience we’re living. We can simply sit and have the same beautiful experience of enjoying the Now, the presence of the present moment, or activity filled with adventures.
🦋Be🦋Coming much less about what you’re doing, more about who you are being.
🧘♀️So much more yet so much less labels, titles, things, possessions. Amen
We at times put so much attention on the vehicle (body) we use to travel this beautiful Life’s play in, that we loose our self. Yes, it is important to keep it tuned, clean, healthy, gassed up ( well… may be dangerous😂) yet careful that you don’t put all your time, emphasis on your means of travel therefore you miss out on truly living life. Truly Living the Moment🧘♀️
It’s like having a beautiful, well-maintained vehicle and leaving it parked in the garage never exploring this beautiful world.
When we come into this amazing play of life, we are born more connected with our spirit💫, less with our body and slowly it seems to reverse. Why?
Why do so many of us become so caught up and worried about our exterior, our body? 🦋It just seems to creep up on us, little by little.
WE begin the cycle of competing with the other “bodies”. Often becoming fixated on, while dreading the acknowledgment, that our body will not last very long.
Amnesia sets in slowly but surely, eventually disconnecting and “forgetting” what we “knew” to be “Real” when we were born🦋 Who We Really Are.
We begin to fear “death” of the “vehicle”, forgetting the knowingness that “our spirit” continues our journey. Life is so full of Miracles, Awakenings.
For my self, each Satori Awakening brings another breakthrough and I rejoice in so much gratitude, for my spiritual journey here on this beautiful Garden of Eden.
I know, Ommmmmm…I do love me Satori Moments🦋. Opening more enjoyable space of Awareness and less of worry, stresses of keeping up with labels: you know, who you think you are suppose to be.
Journal Question: If you lost all the ”things”, job, possessions, home, money, degrees and even health, and you were left with you: Who among the “friends”, people you know, would be there with you, for you?
I am not suggesting you “need” anyone else to feel how beautiful it is when you are “Being” with your self ,nonattached. Use this as an opportunity to bring you deeper into Awareness, to write and explore. We are all connected… having soul to soul friends is a blessing!
I enjoy the opportunity to Journal. I just found some journals from 2009 and shared as Cyndi and I facetimed today. When we are honest, we know the ones that would be there with us, for us.