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Don’t Waste Energy & Words on Those That Deserve Your Silence🦋

February 26, 2023 #inspirational, #selfpublisher, #satorimoments 


A Snap Shot Of Our Flash Mob We Did For Our Patients in Our Office
A Snap Shot Of Our Flash Mob We Did For Our Patients in Our Office

Don’t Waste Words on Those That Deserve Your Silence 🤫 

What does the above statement speak to you🌈  your mind, as well as when you listen from your ❤️ hearts space?

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is say nothing at all🦋… Yes, I do find peace in that decision, yet I also feel the other side could be a “choice” that leads to Satori Moments at times.

Often it takes shaking up a situation a little, OPENING space to discover the miracles awaiting,  a Satori Moment of Awakening🌈.

Satori and Maximus
Satori and Maximus
Through the intention of Love💕, perhaps hidden in some ground covering, is possible ”new” growth not only in your relationship, but also expanding 🦋 out, as energy has no boundaries…

Birthing future harvest, nurtured and cared for from root foundation 🪴 to ground level & above. Of course in non attachment, as well as acceptance, for the harvest yet to come🦋
I will be the first to admit there are definitely times I may feel I have failed.🧐 Just that fleeting thought brings “attachment weeds”, a possible blessing of beauty in awareness if “Not” allowed to spread and strangle the “life” of the seed.
Yet, I would like to include a “thought” by saying that if it truly was from intentions of Love 💕and you feel as if your intervention has backfired… Has it really backfired.? Just possibly can you bring yourself to feel the outcome is actually just perfect in all the imperfections of this moment 🦋

With Love & Faith All is Beautifully Peace FilledWith Love & Faith All is Beautifully Peace Filled

🪴 Is there a causeless peace from within, from the background of the experience? “Our” inner selves being authentically “served” through intentions of Love 💕… wrapped in Faith🙏 : birthing a possible transforming of vibration, energy.

For I believe, when “I am“ is the gardener of Peace🧘‍♀️, Love❤️ and of course Compassion, our moments will produce seeds providing nourishment for all🙏🙏 Remembering once again, We truly are connected as One.
What a Play of Life, Harvest of Blessings

What a Play of Life, Harvest of Blessings
What a Play of Life, Harvest of Blessings

🧘Our play of life, a Blessing… a synergy of so many exterior situations and at times may appear quite challenging. Faith as the fertilizer (nourishment) will produce Peace ☮️ in our hearts ❤️.  The knowingness that the seeds planted will, and have produced a plentiful harvest for all. Amen

🙏WE are here for a moment in time, truly. Just in our simplicity of life, we have the gift to live each moment fully and enjoy the harvest🦋. 

Without pride or arrogance growing, sprouting from fear, the harvest WILL bring Love & Faith:🙏So continue to throw your seeds of intention throughout your moments in nonattachment to the harvest,  All Shall Be Well. 

Missing Victor from the pic (and my self too:)).. One of my favorite memories of a weekend of Chosen Family: A Harvest of LOVE

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