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“Celebrating” a “New” Memory Will Not Erase a Past Moment Lived🦋

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Anniversary Celebration (Black Cat) Many Years Ago 😁
Anniversary Celebration (Black Cat) Many Years Ago 😁
Black Cat Cambria: Dear Friend Cheryl & I 🦋Monday April 17 2023
Black Cat Cambria: Dear Friend Cheryl & I 🦋Monday April 17 202

🦋Darrell and I had (have) a special place we would visit in Cambria (for many years) and celebrate anniversaries, birthdays 🥳 … Or just a special night out… The Black Cat. 

I literally live a 2 minute walk 🚶🏼‍♀️ from The Black Cat. Since Darrell has taken flight, I have not had a desire to return. I either walk or drive by black cat every day… so really intrigued me, prompted me to ask my:self one on one: Why was I resisting going back there? One obvious one is I don’t go out to dinner but once in a blue moon 🌙.

 I had a “nudge from above” to go visit last Monday April 17 with my good friend, Cheryl. We went for dinner to “Experience, LIVE” a new memory, and to celebrate our friendship💕.


Happy New Moment in Each Newness of NOW
Happy New Moment in Each Newness of NOW

It was wonderful- the energy 🌟 was beautiful and the food delicious. Cheryl, a blessing in my life and all those who are touched by her “presence”, was the perfect 🙏 “date”!

🌈Obvious the wall was painted from red to yellow… I love the red. 🤷‍♀️Those of you who know me understand…I have to say I miss the red backdrop. The red truly brightens the picture.  But our energy🦋, our light that night was “bright” enough.🌟 

So.. brings me to ask a question… A wonderful journal question…  Do we live (often stuck) in a past memory losing our present preciousness of this Moment of NOW. 


Perhaps at times⌛️ stuck in what we label a “bad” memory keeping a past feeling towards a particular person(s), place, thing, object of attraction alive in the NOW. Reliving the prejudiced, over and over again.  Would you dare to say, you just may actually be missing out on “life”.

It’s amazing to read back on, perhaps even as you are writing in your journal, space opening for a Satori 🦋Moment, a beautiful “Satori Awakening”:

Another New Beautiful Moment of Now
Another New Beautiful Moment of Now

“When we carry past judgments (good or labeled “bad”) to the present, we are losing the blessing 🙏 of truly Living in the (this) Moment.  Living IN the newness of the Now.”

When we live in the past, even a beautiful memory, we may just be missing out on what this moment “births” if lived unbiased, fully in the Present Moment.

Time for Heart Sharing 

I want to share a Satori Moment that just happened🦋OK… I took a break to walk the girls (Love & Faith) on our daily afternoon stroll to the Cemetery (beautiful ) up in the hills.. very beautiful😇 The grounds are kept authentically natural. Filled with calming energy, all of nature feeling safe to “be present”. Deers, turkeys, birds of all “design”, squirrel and insects living together as ONE IN THE BEAUTY GIVEN TO ALL THROUGH NATURE.


When I returned to my physical home, I was surrounded in a calmness, gentleness embracing the feeling of JOY. A Peace, I “Know” we are all meant to embrace… Then the phone began ringing… once again I had a feeling it was a marketing call about Satori Moments so I let it go. Yes, I do block but the area code (??) was the same as the Publishers.  Well, very persistent, called back FOUR times😩: without leaving a message on any of the calls.

To prevent a 5th one, I made the choice to answer it.. I did… and itwas a “marketing” call about an upcoming book fair ( signing in San Diego).  It was not a usual marketing call 📞 but still calling back four times without leaving a message??

I firmly responded asking why he did not leave a message.  I shared that I did not appreciate 4 calls in a roll, with no message.  He kept his kindness and took my email down to email me.🦋


This Says it All
This Says it All

So… my past experiences did in fact influence me on how I chose to live those moments; the new “present presence💝” of Now. I knew right away by the way I felt when I hung up, to be honest right at the “time”, that I was carrying forward frustration from past moments in time. ⚖️ and they were haunting me.

I immediately called back and left a message saying that I apologize for my tone🦋 – that I really do appreciate that he is working, doing his job. He was, perhaps in my opinion, a little overboard calling back. But, he was still doing his job and he was very pleasant.  

So…”I” let him know that calling back four times in a roll is not really a cool thing to do in my opinion, jokingly saying that he was working overtime. But the message I left was filled with Love in the Now.🌈

I do enjoy when I am “summoned” to search my soul, listen 🎧 , and at times a ❤️ to ❤️ talk within my self.  More often than not, I feel an immediate yuckiness when I have allowed my ego to jump in the driver’s seat, stirring thoughts from past. 


It is heartwarming ❤️when the realization comes, “feeling”, how I allowed judgment from past moments to travel forward the “tone” in the present 🎁 moment.  Especially towards a person.   Of course wonderful judgments carried from the past can be a plus, as long as it doesn’t cause us to “measure” our time we are now experiencing to a past.  

So as we begin a NEW NOW, may we chose to LIVE & “make some new memories” in and through moments of LOVE!  🫶💕

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